
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Project of the day

Some fun goodies I got in the mail! 
I have the greatest friend ever

hard at work...

first time sewing piping...

Thanks Mo for the precut fabric but um something is off...

minor detail. Didnt stop my sewing madness...

just changed the fabric. Hate pinning but I wanted this project to turn out perfect.
Much as I hate to I spent the time making sure I pinned where it said to

so bright and fun !

Here is the finished product. Now what to use it for? Diaper bag?

Friday, January 28, 2011

13weeks and growing

Thirteen weeks pregnant in this picture fourteen weeks today.
I will be posting pics of the growing belly in the weeks to come. Thanks to my
five year olds photography skills Im sure we will be getting some interesting pics